

Business unit

Mobile Experience – Channel Partners


VSPS Programme


Contact centre and retail store advisors


UK and overseas


Digital Programme

  • Creative Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Analytics and Insights

Lockdown happened at a crucial time for Samsung mobile launches. Having historically delivered training on the latest devices face-to-face in contact centres by their team of Samsung Product Specialists, how could they continue to upskill advisors anywhere in the world, ensuring they were inspired, engaged, and ultimately recommend the latest devices to their customers? They needed an online platform that provided a virtual destination for advisors to watch live broadcast product training and on-demand content.

30,720 engagements in 2022


Working closely with Samsung’s internal brand, training, and marketing teams, we developed the Virtual Samsung Product Specialist (VSPS) programme – an online platform that provided a virtual destination for advisors to watch channel-specific live broadcast product training with expert knowledge, selling tips, interactive games and downloadable sales guides.


These ‘high impact’ and ‘always-on’ broadcasts created cut-through moments for flagship launches and ensured an ongoing conversation with advisors from Manchester to Mumbai kept Samsung front of mind.

The innovative VSPS programme was not only award-winning but in 2022 it delivered 30,720 engagements across more than 30 channel partners.